02 March, 2022
by J.F. Pringle I am the sun.I break through with my light,Great hope that’s found,In your dark…in your plight. I am the dawn.Peaceful and welcoming,Beautiful on my own.You sit and watch,The many...
02 March, 2022
by J.F. Pringle I was dead: a rotting corpse in a sun-drenched land.A heap of other dead men to my left, a pile of them to my right.It was like a dream, as I sat in my decay and I wished to wake up.But...
02 March, 2022
by J.F. Pringle Memories drag like a rake across open wounds,Specters of things that were,Musings of heart-stir. Broken things shatter again in empty rooms,Blank paged baby books,Unfilled picture frames....
02 March, 2022
by J.F. Pringle Sweet nectar,Just a sip.Bitter wine,Drink deep—to the dregs. No, don’t pinch your nose.Taste that shit. It’ll put hair on your chest—Like weavings of Kevlar.Makes a great blanket,To keep...