James Pringle

James F. Pringle II resides in South Texas with his wife, Jamie, and their seven children.


by J.F. Pringle Memories drag like a rake across open wounds,Specters of things that were,Musings of heart-stir. Broken things shatter again in empty rooms,Blank paged baby books,Unfilled picture frames. Come with me damaged one to your closet,Unsightly trappings,Of dried up bones.Unfilled hearts need to be alone.

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by J.F. Pringle I am the sun.I break through with my light,Great hope that’s found,In your dark…in your plight. I am the dawn.Peaceful and welcoming,Beautiful on my own.You sit and watch,The many colors of morning. I am the noon.An apex in your heart’s sky.Free, you forget the night.Growing in majestic strength,We climb to passion’s height.

Fade Read More »


by J.F. Pringle A Voice compelled her into darkness unknown.Afraid, she went in anyway.And found courage to enter the watery cave:The place she’d run from every day. Her trembling hands grasped at the wet walls.Cold and drab, the stones at her feet.Her will to go forward was quickened by His.But a beast for sure, she

Washed Read More »